Thursday, March 12, 2015

European Parliament wants Russia to return the wreckage of the Polish President's plane that crashed in Smolensk in 2010 - NOW!

by Maciej Buczowski

On April 10th 2010 the Polish Tu-154 with the President and his wife on board, as well as 94 other people crashed near Smolensk in Russia. There were no survivors. Poland has attempted to regain custody of the wreckage ever since. However, the Russian government has decided that they will not return the plane. Why? Because time, weather conditions, people, etc. can distort any evidence and that could potentially shed some light on what actually happened as there still are many unanswered questions.

In the middle(?) of the war between Ukraine and Russia, with the latter suffering from sanctions and international scrutiny the European Parliament has apparently just realised that perhaps it can help Poland in its struggle in the long and gloomy process of acquiring the wreckage. I ask is there anyone (sane) who thinks that Russia will agree to return the plane (or what is left of it) despite the current conflict in Ukraine and the increasing tensions with the West? Probably not. The resolution however, is a long overdue sign of solidarity with Poland finally expressed by the EU. It would have had more merit about 4 years ago though...

Complying with such resolutions is somewhere on the bottom of Putin's to do list (if it EVEN is there), who has to deal with the war in Ukraine, crippled Russian economy and the ramifications caused by the assassination of the main Russian opposition leader - Boris Nemtsov (we all wonder who is responsible for that crime, as in really responsible.... because let's face it those who were tortured in order to make them confess to the assassination- probably had nothing to do with it).

To put it in a nutshell, the wreckage will probably remain in Russia..........

Article about the resolution in Polish:

Article about forcing out the confession of assassinating Boris Nemtsov:

Article about forcing out the confession of assassinating Boris Nemtsov (2):

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